Market Analysis "Energy production through renewable energies (wind, solar, bioenergy, small hydropower)"

AHK Azerbaijan publishes the market analysis "Energy production through renewable energies (wind, solar, bioenergy, small hydropower)", which informs German companies about framework conditions, current tenders as well as funding and financing opportunities in the field of wind, solar, bioenergy and small hydropower.

The results of the market analysis will be presented to German companies interested in participating in the business trip "Power generation by renewable energy in Azerbaijan". The trip will be organized from June 20 to 24, 2022 by AHK Azerbaijan together with RENAC AG within the framework of the project Export Initiative Energy of the Federal Ministry of Economy and Climate Protection. During this four-day business trip, German companies and Azerbaijani stakeholders will have the opportunity to participate in the German-Azerbaijani Sustainability Forum on June 21, 2022, focusing on "Renewable Energy in Azerbaijan".

Alternative energy sources have immense potential in Azerbaijan. The growing international interest and the very good local conditions offer promising opportunities for the development and expansion of renewable energies in Azerbaijan.

With 26,940 MW, Azerbaijan has high economic potential in the renewable energy sector. The Azerbaijani government outlaid a clean environment as well as green growth as two of the five national priorities for the country's socio-economic development until 2030. This is why, for example, the Azerbaijan Renewable Energy Agency (AREA) was established in September 2020. Its core goal is to increase the share of renewable energy in total electricity generation to 30% by 2030. However, for successful implementation, the framework conditions need to be further elaborated, the energy market needs to be liberalized and the grid infrastructure needs to be expanded.

Furthermore, in addition to technical solutions, the implementation of the ambitious expansion targets will primarily require highly qualified experts who can train local specialists and support relevant institutions in project development and implementation.

Pages: 59 pages | File size: 3 MB
